Hér er upplýsingar um skipulagsnefnd ráðstefnunnar sem haldin verður á Íslandi 3.-6.júní 2020, sjá nánar á www.25nkg.is.
Upplýsingar eru teknar af fréttabréfi GeroNord og eru því á ensku.
Steinunn Þórðardóttir President of 25NKG, MD, PhD, is a geriatrician and chief physician of the Department of Dementing Illnesses at Landspitali University Hospital in Reykjavik, Iceland. In the clinic, she has fought for a better continuity of care and support for patients with dementia and their families throughout the different stages of the disease. She has also advocated for a national strategy on
dementia in Iceland. She received her PhD in 2018 from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. The focus of her research has been on biomarkers and genetics of neurodegenerative diseases and her thesis was on early preclinical biomarkers in familial Alzheimer disease. Apart from clinical work and research she is currently serving as one of the program directors for the training of doctors
in internal medicine in Iceland.
Ólöf Guðný Geirsdóttir Secretary General of 25NKG have strong interdisciplinary research group in several core areas in gerontological research. Dr. Geirsdóttir has
been involved in administrative and academic leadership positions promoting ageing research as well as educating new professionals to the field of geriatric nutrition. She has led the work, with the Director of Health, on the Icelandic
nutritional recommendations (2018) for older adults and healthy and a nutritional recommendation for sick and frail older people. In her recent research, she focuses on associations between nutrition and physical activity among
community-dwelling older adults, the nutritional status of sick and frail older adults and how to improve outcomes with nutritional care.
Sigurbjörg Hannesdóttir is the president for The Icelandic Gerontolocial Society – Öldrunarfræðafélag Íslands (ÖLD). Sigurbjörg was born in Reykjavík. She is an occupational therapist and studied in Esbjerg Danmark. She has been president of ÖLD since 2014 and has a broad experience
working with the elderly in nursing homes. ÖLD was founded in 1973 and its aim is to increase knowledge in matters relating to the elderly and to promote research in the field of aging and also to be adviser to the ministry in matters of the elderly. ÖLD focuses on increasing academic discussion among professionals and introduces the latest in aging studies at any given time. ÖLD
participates in national and international collaboration with organizations concerned with issues of the elderly. Members of the organization reflect the multidisciplinary activities of the aging field. See ÖLD website: www.oldrun.is.
Sirrý Sif Sigurlaugardóttir works as a gerontological social worker in the municipality of Skagafjörður. Previously she has worked as a project- and training manager at Alzheimer Iceland. Sirrý has a master degree in social work from the University of Iceland. In her dissertation she focused on evidence based practice in gerontological social work. She‘s a board member in the Icelandic Gerontological Society.
Konstantín Shcherbak was born in Moscow. He completed his specialist training in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics at Landspítali – The National University Hospital
of Iceland and St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital in Norway. Konstantín holds a Master degree in Medical Science from the University of Iceland
where he appears as a guest speaker on Geriatrics-related topics. He is principally involved with hospital-based geriatric rehabilitation and works at a fall clinic. He is
a member of local committees on hospital falls prevention and comprehensive geriatric assessment and management.
Ólafur Samúelsson MD is a specialist in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics. He serves as a consultant physician at Landspítali – The National University Hospital of
Iceland and Eir Nursing Home, Reykjavik. He is a president of the Icelandic Geriatric Medicine Society, Full Board representative in the European Geriatric
Medicine Society (EuGMS), co-chairman for the EuGMS Special Interest Group on Long Term Care. Ólafur is a chair of the Internal Review Board at Landspitali.
Ragnheiður Kristjánsdóttir graduated with a degree in physical therapy from department of medicine, University of Iceland in 2000 and a MA in Gerontology
from the department of Social Sciences, University of Iceland in 2014. She has worked as a physical therapist at Landspítali – The National University Hospital of
Iceland, Akershus University Hospital in Norway and Hrafnista nursing homes in Iceland. She has been the head of the department of physical therapy at Hrafnista
nursing homes since 2012. She is a member of the board of the Gerontology association of Iceland since 2015 and was a member of the board of the Physical therapy in The Icelandic Gerontological Society 2014-2017.