21. ráðstefna norrænu öldrunarfræðafélaganna verður haldin dagana 10. – 13. júní 2012 í Kaupmannahöfn. Vísindanefnd ráðstefnunnar óskar eftir erindum á öllum sviðum öldrunarfræða. Eftirfylgjandi eru upplýsingar fyrir áhugasama.
Call for proposals for symposia at the 21st Nordic Congress of Gerontology – Dilemmas in Ageing Societies
The Scientific Committee of 21st Nordic Congress of Gerontology in Copenhagen June 10 – 13, 2012 invites you to submit a proposal for a symposium at the congress. Symposia proposals on all topics within gerontology are welcomed. Each symposium has a time-frame of 1½ hour for presentations and discussion, should contain a maximum of four to five presentations, and three or more countries should be represented.
Your proposal should include the following:
a) The overall topic of the symposium
b) Name and contact information of the organiser of the symposium
c) Names of contributors and the topic for their presentation
Submit your proposal for a symposium by e-mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.”>[email protected] at the latest by 1st October 2011 (new deadline).
Med venlig hilsen,
Berrit Rasmussen
På vegne 21 NKG
Bredgade 28, DK-1260 Copenhagen K – Denmark
Phone + 45 33 45 45 45 Direct: + 45 33 45 45 41
Web: www.21nkg.dk